On January 13, 2025, VAALO Avant-Garde Ltd. extended its unwavering support to Abdul Kaium and his family who reside in a small house near Aminbazar, Mirpur, Dhaka by providing them with essential resources to improve their livelihood and ensure their children’s education. As part of this CSR initiative, the family received sewing machines, warm clothing, and financial assistance to cover school admission fees.
The sewing machines are intended to help Abdul Kaium’s family establish a sustainable source of income, empowering them to become self-reliant and build a stable future. Additionally, the provision of warm clothing ensures that the family can face the cold months with dignity and comfort. The financial support for school admissions aims to break barriers to education, enabling their children to pursue learning opportunities without interruption.
This initiative highlights VAALO’s commitment to creating lasting impacts on vulnerable families by addressing both immediate needs and long-term empowerment. By providing these resources, VAALO continues to foster hope and resilience in underserved communities, ensuring every family has the opportunity to thrive and achieve a better quality of life.
We are deeply grateful to our team, who made this initiative possible. We remain dedicated to building a more inclusive, equitable, and supportive society.