A Creative way forward of Humane Development, Innovations & Social change. read more

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COVID-19 Help Desk

"Corona Virus" has been proven to be one of the most devastating threat of human race. This deadly virus has spread over the globe and already caused more than 203 thousand of death. Rapid increase of CO...
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Difference we make in COVID-19 pandemic

Coronavirus (COVID-19), the newly emerging infectious disease pandemic has been a Global central health crisis of a generation for the last couple of months. We all know, this disease is a highly contagi...
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Distributed soaps and masks among rickshaw pullers

In response to the current critical reality around the fear of spreading COVID-19, we the "VAALO avant-garde" team also trying to help on the street rickshaw puller who cannot escape the street for their...
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Views & Voice of the new Generation Young

To get the actual fact behind the generation gaps, lots of discussions are roaming around here and there now a days. The issue is now becoming more focused and finally on this year-2020, the theme of the...
“Abanti", House: 37 (1st Floor)
Flat: A-1, Road: 27, Block: A
Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
[+88] 09611 677391
[+88] 0188 0088944
A Creative way forward of Humane Development, Innovations & Social change.