A Creative way forward of Humane Development, Innovations & Social change. read more

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VAALO brings a little warmth into the life of people in need

Recently A cold wave hit our county, and the country witnessed the lowest temperature in recent times. It's cloudy and misty in winter. People in Bangladesh enjoy various "pithas" on cold days. D...
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Sharing Happiness through Football Jerseys Distribution: FIFA World Cup-2022

VAALO avant-garde Ltd. doesn't miss a single chance of creating and sharing happiness among the unprivileged children in the street. A true sense of purity and humanity reflects in such events insp...
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Sharing Happiness with a Football Vibe

VAALO avant-garde Ltd. has recently (December 02, 2022) sponsored a lively event on this vary occasion of FIFA World Cup-2022 named- Just Natural Cup- 2022. VAALO as a Value propagating and spread...
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Supporting for Treatment: Liton’s Post Operation Recovery

There lives a young 25 years old boy named “Reduwan Islam Liton” near the IPS mosque of Mohakhali area who belongs to a very marginal family. Apart from his needy life, he struggled enough to run h...
“Abanti", House: 37 (1st Floor)
Flat: A-1, Road: 27, Block: A
Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
[+88] 09611 677391
[+88] 0188 0088944
A Creative way forward of Humane Development, Innovations & Social change.