A Creative way forward of Humane Development, Innovations & Social change. read more

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Supporting for Treatment: Liton’s Post Operation Recovery

There lives a young 25 years old boy named “Reduwan Islam Liton” near the IPS mosque of Mohakhali area who belongs to a very marginal family. Apart from his needy life, he struggled enough to run h...
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Sharing Food for happiness & Tranquility: Eid-Ul-Fitr 2022

Eid-UL-Fitr is one of the major festivals of the year, celebrated all over the country in a very special style. This is the most significant occasion when people of the country enjoy themselves at their ...
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Iftar package distribution between marginal families

The holy month of Ramadan is the ultimate symbol of sanctity, sacrifice, and sharing when we learn and anticipate the significance of standing beside each other for greater interest. We, VAALO deeply rea...
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Sharing Food for Humanity: A Happy Start to Holy Ramadan

Being human, we consider humanity as pure responsibility that we must possess and act accordingly. The feelings that are generated from sharing and caring for the needy or the people with difficulties ar...
“Abanti", House: 37 (1st Floor)
Flat: A-1, Road: 27, Block: A
Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
[+88] 09611 677391
[+88] 0188 0088944
A Creative way forward of Humane Development, Innovations & Social change.