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Views & Voice of the new Generation Young

To get the actual fact behind the generation gaps, lots of discussions are roaming around here and there now a days. The issue is now becoming more focused and finally on this year-2020, the theme of the “International Women’s Day” has also turn out regarding this topic. The theme of the “International women’s day” 2020 is- “I am generation equality: realizing women’s rights”. This completely shows the effort behind the minimization of the generation gap and gender gap between people of different ages.

To add value on such a vital international approach, VAALO avant-garde ltd has also came up with an initiative to draw young generation’s mind on this emergent agenda. The organization has facilitated an open ambient for sharing thoughts of the both young generation boys and girls where they have expressed lots of untold stories of their own.

On 14th March, 2020, there was a small seminar arranged by VAALO avant-garde ltd in their corporate office. Students of undergraduate level from different universities of Dhaka city were invited in the seminar for sharing their thoughts and views on the fact of generation equality as well as their own untold stories regarding the burning topic. In the seminar, “Saudia Afrin”, Staff Feature Writer of “Dhaka Tribune” and “Asrafull Anwar”, Programme Officer of “ARTICLE 19” were present as a special guest who have also shared their valuable opinions and energized the thoughts of the young students by appreciating their thinking ability with several constructive reasoning. They also have expressed a huge change making thoughts and provided potential hope amongst the new generation young.

“Dr. Nazneen Akhter” the Founder & Managing Director, VAALO avant-garde ltd has moderated the whole program. She was there to facilitate a cozy, discursive and open-minded thought sharing environment for all the young who are driven with motivation and voice for change.

Different points of view were brought among the students while they were giving solutions to different matters they are facing due to generation inequality. In the discussion, the problems they shared were appeared to be similar in nature and echoed with each other. The most focused issue was regarding communicational gap with the parents in several events of their life, basically while they were going through their transitional age (adolescent). They again emphasized the issue of discriminatory treatments between the academically top scoring and low scoring students which is occurring naturally due to the traditional education system of our country. This was also a burning subject of the discussion which was causing significant depression and demotivation among the low scoring students. They were struggling to find a way out to minimize this differences among them and was trying to figure out some of the important steps that can be taken to help the low scoring students for their entire development process. Even there were deliberations on regular educational grading system. Here students expressed in such a way that the system is somewhat creating complicacy for them specifically who are trying to be creative on their own way in acquiring education but the system is acting as barrier to it indeed.

Flowing through the discussion the time ran out so fast! Everyone was very lively and participatory in the seminar. They truly enjoyed the moment and were requesting for a next siting. With a new hope and young generation’s understanding the discussion of the seminar finally came to an end. After the discussion, all the participants individually made a pledge and also made a wish for a better future together where they will be the soldiers of change.

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A Creative way forward of Humane Development, Innovations & Social change.