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Sharing Happiness through Football Jerseys Distribution: FIFA World Cup-2022

VAALO avant-garde Ltd. doesn't miss a single chance of creating and sharing happiness among the unprivileged children in the street. A true sense of purity and humanity reflects in such events insp...
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Sharing Happiness with a Football Vibe

VAALO avant-garde Ltd. has recently (December 02, 2022) sponsored a lively event on this vary occasion of FIFA World Cup-2022 named- Just Natural Cup- 2022. VAALO as a Value propagating and spread...
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Supporting for Treatment: Liton’s Post Operation Recovery

There lives a young 25 years old boy named “Reduwan Islam Liton” near the IPS mosque of Mohakhali area who belongs to a very marginal family. Apart from his needy life, he struggled enough to run h...
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Sharing Food for happiness & Tranquility: Eid-Ul-Fitr 2022

Eid-UL-Fitr is one of the major festivals of the year, celebrated all over the country in a very special style. This is the most significant occasion when people of the country enjoy themselves at their ...
“Abanti", House: 37 (1st Floor)
Flat: A-1, Road: 27, Block: A
Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
[+88] 09611 677391
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A Creative way forward of Humane Development, Innovations & Social change.